Achaean farmers may apply, via the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Patras, for special support, as previewed by the Integrated Administration and Control System (I.A.C.S) that has been instituted in Greece. I.A.C.S. is followed by OPEKEPE (Payment and Control Agency for Guidance and Guarantee Community Aids of Greece) and is applied for the control, the penalization and the payment of the subsidies.
As for the Achaia region, special support (subsidy) is provided for the following agricultural production sectors, in order to ameliorate the competitiveness and prevent the desertion of the mountainous and disadvantageous regions of the country:
1. Olive oil and table oils.
2. Durum wheat.
3. Beef and veal for heifers destinated for insemination.
4. Beef and veal for suckler cows.
5. Sheepmeat and goatmeat.